
Quote of the Week

"Live dangerously, love lavishly, serve humbly"- Nick Evans

Sunday, March 29, 2009

So Tired

I don't wanna start this on a wrong note, but someone has been FRIGGIN SPAMMING my blog. I don't really care cos:
  1. It doesn't lag my com
  2. It shows that some people in this world really is lame but somehow walking perfectly alright
  3. Who cares?

Erm... it's just very irritating and wow, Juncong somehow knows how to tell me the obvious.

Kay, just came back from church and feel very happy, yet sleepy. Went to Marine Parade for lunch and cell group (not very big group). Why am I feeling tired? I'll tell you.

  1. On Friday was 'cross-country' so I'm still feeling a little sore on my feet, and I went to British Council directly after that, and made me even more tired. Some more I slept quite late.
  2. Then yesterday I went for this workshop at MindChamps and I was taught how to remember... stuff. Then at night my family 'celebrated' Earth Day and sat at the pool side burning candles. Also slept quite late.
  3. Today woke up quite early, say 8.45? Yar and was reluctant to wake up. Then I went to church and ended at 12.30 (I think). After that, we went to Marine Parade as I've mentioned before.

And that's pretty much what happened these few days. 1 more thing, you know next, next Friday is Good Friday right? All of us do not need to go to school so I want to invite all of you to this 'Good Friday' party. Probably from 3pm to around 7pm. Those who think they can make ot please leave comment. I will provide more details after I confirm. Thanks. Oh ya, if you can only like, go for 2 or so hours, you can also come, then, if you need to go urgently, I will not be stopping you. Thanks once again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

eLearning Day

In case all of you don't know, today is eLearning day and I am writing this post while waiting to be roconnected to the server (Studywiz- lagging like hell). Well, first thing. I CANNOT FRIGGIN' DOWNNLOAD THE FRIGGIN THING. I think that's all. Oh ya, and ITS SOOOOO FRIGGIN LAG THERE AND IT TAKES 5 FRIGGIN MINUTES TO GO TO THE NEXT FRIGGIN PAGE. Is that it? But I have all the time in the world until my computer crashes. Than I'm gonna kill the fell who create studywiz. MUAHAHAHAHA. Oh, how did I get into this connection problem? WELL I WAS TRYING TO DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGIN GEOG PODCAST and there I was WITH A BLANK SCREEN. Whoa finally to the main page gotta lag my com again. Let me show you what Hean Ming sent me about eLearning:

E-Learning sucks. Do you agree?
3 Good reasons why E-Learning sucks...
1. A sucky server
-> It takes a damn long time to load a stupid page...
-> Crashes easily
-> Clicks to change answer, answer remains unchanged -.-
2. Can't download their shit
-> Ooooh podcast :O WTF PAGE NOT FOUND?!?!!?
-> An error has occured
-> No file <--- Damn them
3. Stupid MCQ answers and questions
-> Simple 3 yrs old kid could get 100%
-> If you have not noticed... text and mcq qn ans can be found using copy and find

In conclusion,
E-Learning = Suck + waste of time, and since
waste of time = Sucks too,
E-LearningSuck very bad. Wins debate. :)
1 GREAT reason why E-Learning ROCKS...
1. Slack day
-> Spend about 2Hrs+ and you are done In conclusion, you get to slack. Helps other team win the debate.

Xiang Le here:
1 more thing. It is only today when I feel better from my cough. Was coughing so badly on Saturday. Was that it? Saturday? I think so. And I had no time to post on my blog for the past few days so pardon me. Bye?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I think...

I'm gonna put the 'quote of the week' as I think it's a good idea. 3 out of 4 says so (literally). But srsly, only 4 votes? I think I'm gonna need advertisments hahaha. Anyway, I finished ALL my holiday homework. FINALLY!!!!! But, I'll be going back to school on Monday and that makes me sadface :( Haiz, I'm feeling the result of the holidays... sleep late, lie around and do nothing, and now I feel sick... Coughing since yesterday, and do not know when I will feel better.
I shall take away the poll and add the quote of the day. I think that's all. Need to get ready for school on Monday. HAIZ...
Oh, and 1 more thing. I may not be able to post stuff on my blog cos after school reopens- gotta study. Buh-bye! (For now)

Friday, March 20, 2009

As a facilitator @ the Science Centre

zzZZZzz...huh? Oh, so tired that after I wrote the title I fell asleep. Just kidding. But really, it's really tiring. Woke up at 6am took a bus, transferred to a train to Jurong East, walk here walk there blah blah blah... to reach the Singapore Science Centre. We were briefed then returned to our groups in the Dalton Hall to wait for the primary school pupils to arrive. LOL the rest of the people in Hean Ming's group haven't arrived so he have to solo everything. HAHAHA. Then there was this lady from IDS who came and talk about the events that are coming up, and a guy called Freddy... something who came and talk about the animation and yes, commercials. After that, we started off with 'icebreaker' games with the primary school kids like pass the message and what, musical ball??? Pass the message there is 1 round where all the teams had to forfeit and wasted all the rest of the gaming time, so quite sian. After the games, we ate lunch and we started the main event, which is the iSpace tour.Took about 2 hours before we headed back to the hall. There was a quiz and a prize-giving ceremony... AND THE PRIZE WAS AN IPOD SHUFFLE. There was this boy who didn't believe me about the iPod as a prize until he saw it with his own eyes. He rushed to do the quiz, VERY QUICKLY. Athough it was very tiring, I want to help facilitate next year again because it is a very interesting 'learning journey', so to speak. At the end of the day, all the pupils did a survey and the facilitators in their group (that's me, for my group) are supposed to collect the survey forms. Here's 3 most common comments:
  1. NIL
  2. Games too lame
  3. Tour not organised

Nothing very good, and I hope next year (if I can go again) we could improve on that.

You know, I feel like putting up a quote box and I can put up provoking quotes every week that I think is interesting. I will try to put a poll box so that I know whether it's a good idea to do that.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today is the day my butt aches...

Today I went to East Coast Park to cycle with codename: linkin and Daryl Goh. Actually wanted to ask Aloysius to come along but he last minute say cannot make it. Make Daryl Goh soooo pissed off. Anyway, when we reach East Coast Park, we looked for a bike rental shop since the Playground @ Bigsplash one is closed. We went to 1 rental shop that rents $6 for 1 hour, get 1 hour free. Basically, $6 for 2 hours. After paying $6 (wa heart pain) for the bikes, Daryl and me and my friend (I don't like calling him codename: linkin... sends shivers down my spine) rode to Bedok Jetty (as I mentioned earlier on) BUT, it was closed off. So we carried on until we passed by Singapore Sailing Club (or something with sailing) and Outward Bound Singapore (East Coast) and I think we were almost reaching Changi Airport cos there is nobody there and no shops. Just trees and a road for bikes. Well, we U-turned and headed towards where we started to go home. We ate lunch at 360 (yeah like real), not really. Just the hawker centre beside the pond. I ate hokkien mee and Daryl bought chicken rice and coconut (the real one) while my friend eats nothing because he actually intended to eat at Carl's Jr but realises I had no money left. After lunch, I sat on my bike, and my butt hurt like hell! Ride so long I didn't realise until then. I had no choice but to chiong to return my bike or it will hurt more. We rented the bike at 11.30 and you know what time we returned our bikes? 1.31. Well, the uncle didn't seem to mind but I was so nervous he was going to charge more. When I got up from my bike, I could hardly walk. My butt hurt too much. No choice, just go home and rest. Overall, today was really fun and I wish I could do more of this outing, but next time, I'm gonna bring a butt cushion. My butt won't hurt so much if I brought 1.

1 more thing. Tomorrow is the actual day for me as a facilitator to guide the primary school kids through the i Space tour. Have to wake up at 6AM!!!!!!!! Reach there at 7.30AM!!!!!!!! But luckly they provide breakfast if not must wake up 5.30 eat breakfast. But still, boohoohoo :'(

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day @ the Science Centre

As I have said eariler on (yesterday) about going to the Science Centre, I did. I did not want to be late so I left my house pretty early (10.45am to be exact) to reach the Science Centre before 1.30pm. Did you know what time I reached there? 11.30am. 2 whole hours of waiting, and Hean Ming said the he left his house @ 11am, and he reached at like, 1pm, maybe around there? What the hell? He says that he followed the MRT sign that points into the longer direction, so he walked 1 WHOLE BIG ROUND to reach the Science Centre which took about 25mins. Well, I was the earliest and what the heck I went to Jurong Regional Library to kill some time. At like, 12.30, I went back to the Science Centre and Ray and Roy just arrived. Then there was this ex-Marist who said he graduated when I was in Sec 1 and he was in MITS. Well, I had no impression of him in my memory but he says he reconises me and Denzel, that time who is still in MITS. I told him that he changed CCA to media club.

Then we went inside the Science Centre. FREE! But we didn't go there to play. We went for some briefing (as I have mentioned before) in some lecture hall. Wait, no 2 lecture halls. We were briefed on how to 'facilitate' the primary school kids and were split into different groups. Here comes the good and bad news.
  • Good News

Hean Ming cannot do anything 'cunning' when I or Winson or any other schoolmates are not around, so he will have to behave. While I at least have Benedict (Is that how I spell you name? Sorry of I got it wrong)

  • Bad News

I am not in the same group as Winson and I will have less people to talk to.

  • Good News

I made a new aquaintance (wow there, big word) in my group and will have 1 more person to talk to. So, 1-1+1 is still 1!!! It neutralises my 'loneliness' but not Hean Ming. (uh-oh suddenly I feel a killing intent)

  • Better News

The groups are going 2 at a time and coincidently, Winson happens to be in the group next to mine so I will have even more people to talk to, and unlike someone, none. Muahahaha.

Then there is this soooo simple quiz even a retard like (someone) knows how to do it, and they want to ask the primary school children to take part, and the best thing is the prize. You know what it is? iPod shuffle. WAAAAAAAA iPod shuffle. 99 bucks and I know that's not alot but still, they are primary school kids. They may not even know what it is...

Oh, tomorrow I'll also be going to east coast park to cycle with (codename: linkin), Aloysius (not sure if coming), and Daryl (comes only if Aloysius is coming).


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Going to Science centre tomorrow

Did I mention that I will be going to the Singapore Science Centre tomorrow and on Friday? Well, I am. I am going with my CCA friends for a, how do I out it, facilitator training? No. Anyway, my friends and I have volunteered to be facilitators for some primary school kids who are going to the Science Centre. Of course there is CCA points. So tomorrow is the briefing, YES that's the word. And the actual day is on Friday, as you may have guessed. And I have to take a long journey there, as I have a direct bus. I'm still considering whether I should take the bus or MRT there. MRT seems to be more frequent than busses. Oh and the A-maths holiday homework freaking difficult. Crying face :'( ... Wait, I'll try to put some of the Supreme Court pics I've taken. Again.

Yet another failure. But I will not give up so easily. I will try again. Sooner or later

Monday, March 16, 2009


Wa today to sian only can stay @ home chiong homework. Alot leh :'(... Anyway, still have to do right? RIGHT? No choice lah, wait, have, there are two choices.
  1. Choing homework (like what I'm doing now) and don't get scolded by teacher
  2. Don't do homework and get scolded by teacher

From here, I've learnt 2 things

  1. You always have a choice of what you want to do.
  2. It's whether the choice is obvious or not.
  3. It's whether you want to bear the consequences.

MAH-TEI!!! There are 3 things... My maths so bad arh? Bye bye I need to sit in a corner and cry in depression liao. JKJK you all know I am never depressed- unless I failed all my subjects, the I will be so depressed I will- I don't know, kill myself??? Nah never an option. But seriously, bye bye cos I need to go back to chiong study liao

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Admin

In case you all haven't known, I go to church every Sunday for, er, church. Then there is the christian band called Delarious (or something like that), who led praise and worship. Their songs are very nice and I think that even non-believers will also like them. Anyway, I told my cellgroup leader that I need help wit my blog and he agreed to help me, so I'm gonna make him an admin on this blog. Let me introduce. His name is Zhong Yu a.k.a. Joshua and he is 27 (I think) working in some recriutment company. Cannot reveal too much infomation on the net... Thats about all you should know about him.

After church, I went with my cell group to Parkway Parade (somewhere in Marine Parade, near East Coast Park, for those who don't know) for lunch and a session of sharing. After lunch and everything, I wanted to meet my parents at th Marine Parade library but it started pouring very heavily. I decided to go to Borders downstairs to read some books. At about 6, my parents found me at Borders and we went for dinner at the hawker centre nearby. Nothin interesting fo dinner though. Then we went home to watch Shrek 2 cos there was nothing to do. That's about it... the main point is the new admin. 1 more thing... Joshua, what's your gmail address again?

OH YA!!!! From this post onwards I will not 'suan' Jun Cong' about losing my EZ-link card 'accidently' anymore cos he 'buay song' already.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ohhh I am sooooo pissed

I am sooo friggin pissed, either I am dunb, or blogger is stupid, or both!!!!!! I cannot change my skin, I cannot add links, I cannot post pics, even if i try to change the HTML and there are sooo many friggin things I cannot do on blogger!!!! Oh I am sooo pissed. And I am proud to say that blogger is not user friendly, in other words, IT SUX!!!!!!!

The day I went to Supreme Court open house and something interesting happened

Shit... accidentally press backspace the have to redo my post. SADFACE :( Anyways, I just came back from the supreme court and wow, I had to walk quite a few kilometres.

  1. I had to walk from my house to another bus stop quite far away to get sort of a 'direct bus' to my friend's house, which is bus no. 16, which leads to the stadium.
  2. From the stadium, I accidentally alighted a stop earlier so I had to walk a 'longer' distance to my friend's house.
  3. Although I stayed there for lunch, my friend wanted to WALK to Kallang MRT station to take a train (JUN CONG!!!) to City Hall. That adds another, say about 2km?
  4. On the train obviously we cannot walk so we just stood there since there are no seats. When we reached City Hall, I think we walked another 500+ metres (I think) to the Supreme Court.
  5. In the Supreme Court, there was a LONG queue, but surprisingly, the wait was not that long. BUT, the whole time I was there, I think the total time I was about to have a seat was, like, 5mins, for I think, THE WHOLE TIME!!!
  6. I took a lot of pictures there and there were many cartoons pasted on the walls and some of them are lame beyond measure, but some of them, honestly, I thought was funny, so I took some pics on them. Also, on the eighth floor, there was an amazing view of the CBD and Singapore River and I took photos of them too. I think they are nice. Oh ya, I was also standing then.
  7. When it was time to go, I wanted to take the train from City Hall to Payar Lebar MRT, where I would than take a bus home. My friend said there was a shorter way and a direct bus home so I followed him. DO YOU KNOW WHERE HO TOOK ME???? He brought me to FREAKING SUNTEC CITY!!!!! What the hell??!!! We past by the Padang, it was alright, then do you know where else we passed by? City Hall MRT station. Wa sooo sian, and I looked like I can kill my friend, but still, I didn't. OK??? I don't know why... Where was I...
  8. Oh ya we reached the bus stop at SUNTEC CITY and waited for NO.16!!! Very crowded and we had to stand all the way. He stopped at the stadium while I stopped like, a 100 stops later, and I still had to walk home. GG to me la. 1 week of PE lessons in 1 day...

Then he asked me to go cycling with him from his house to Bedok Jetty and back on Thursday and I thought, cycling only what, ok lah. So I agreed. Oh ya JUN CONG you better find my EZ-link card or get ready to pay... $2.10 for today... lucky you... my friend wanted to walk if not I take MRT you must pay $3.50 liao.

Oh ya I will try to post some of the photos I taken in the Supreme Court. If I don't, you may not be able to see it again, OR... if you want to see it soo badly, go commit murder then they will bring you there to see everything. HAHAHA

1 hour later...

SHIT!!!! I cannot upload the pics although it's in my com!!!! When I click upload pics and copy and paste URL or from my phone, den put done, it's GONE arrhhhh!!! Someone help me!!!


Today I will be going to the Supreme Court's opening house with my firend, and I will be there after lunch... I will try to post a few photos of the new supreme court and you can see whether it's nice or not... but I cannot garuntee (I don't know how to spell) that there will be photos. It may be so boring that I may even leave before my targeted time, which is 2hours, OR no photography is allowed within the premises. If that is the case, though, I may take some pics of the outside of the Supreme Court.

Oh ya I also remembered a very nice blog called created by one of the seniors of our school. But... it has been removed. Sadface :(. It was fun while it lasted.

And 1 more thing. GOH JUN CONG says that he is going back to school to hand in his homework, and ask the school uncle to try to take down the white board to retrieve my EZ-link card. If that's possible, he says that he will return me my EZ-link card on Monday when school reopens. However, I told him that he still had to pay for the extra travel expenses, like when taking MRT, I have to pay adult fare, and on the bus I hace to pay 10 cents more... Ya, that may not be a lot, but after a week, the total amount of money I've spent on travel will be more than 5 bucks, I assure you. That's only the extras, if he still cannot get my EZ-link card out, he'll have to pay the full fare of my travels and get a new EZ-link card to replace my 'lost' one. And GOH JUN CONG says that he 'accidently' dropped mycard and is still very ruluctant to pay for my travel fares, but he'd better be responsible for what he did. Jun Cong, good luck in trying to pry the white board open.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I tried Richard's way but still could not get the very cool skins I found and want. So... the only skin I like is this current one, unless I find a way to change the friggin HTML for the blog, I'll stick to this current skin. I know its boring but please bear with it. I'll try to find a way to re-write my HTML asap.

Oh ya also, if you want to link ur blog to mine, please do so yourself cos I cannot find the HTML to add the URL. Also, if possible, please help me find a way to delete the google news link. Its irritating.

OH YA!!! 1 more very important thing happened to me today. It all started when I asked my friend to help me renew my library books since he was going to the library during recess. He said ok, so he did it. After that, I heard from my other friends that he had given my EZ-link card to GOH JUN CONG. This is when it all started. GOH JUN CONG wanted the whole class to see my photo on my EZ-link card so HE decided to put the card ON TOP of the white board. You all know that theer is definitely a gap between the white board and the wall right? From what I've told you, can you guess what happened? Yes GOH JUN CONG gave the card a small push and it fell behind the white board. Now its stuck there, between the white board and the wall. Well, GG for me la!-not. I told him that if don't dig out the card by the time my CCA ends, he'll have to pay for all my travel expenses and a new EZ-link card with $20 inside because there is about $20 inside my EZ-link card. So... that's how he's going to pay for trying to humiliate me. Muahahaha. Too bad for him. Serves him right. After he gets me the new EZ-link card will he then pay for what he've done. OMG NOW I HAVE TO PAY ADULT FARE FOR TRAIN RIDES!!!

During CCA

Hi, today I am writing during CCA cos the Sec1s are just starting on the flash, so we... went through the 3D game making compitition with Mr Chua, our MITS trainer. Den here I am posting this blog. Erm... not much photos here. Althuogh.... I can steal the Mac's camera? A, noooo I shouldn't do that. Anyways, today Mr Koh went through the quadratic equation homework. Oh ya, talking about homework, there is a hell lot of holiday homework. The teachers thought that since it is holidays, we have a lot of time, and EACH teacher spam us with homework. Sadface... :( BUT looking on the bright side, holidays are here!!! BUT, its only for 1 week. Crying face... :'( BUT I can spam play com everyday!!! So, ultimately, ubberly, YAY!!!? And 1 more thing. I realised I cannot change the blog skin on Mac... No choice but to go home and try lor... When the new blog skin is ready I will inform all you readers, or whatever they call you.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well, as you all know, the first time someone creates a blog, immediately there will be a post. This post will remind me of what date Iopened this blog and what time. Of curse, there will be future posts too.

P.S. erm, if anybody knows how to chang th blog skin (cos i really want to) pls let me know how to, ok? Thanls a lot