
Quote of the Week

"Live dangerously, love lavishly, serve humbly"- Nick Evans

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

eLearning Day

In case all of you don't know, today is eLearning day and I am writing this post while waiting to be roconnected to the server (Studywiz- lagging like hell). Well, first thing. I CANNOT FRIGGIN' DOWNNLOAD THE FRIGGIN THING. I think that's all. Oh ya, and ITS SOOOOO FRIGGIN LAG THERE AND IT TAKES 5 FRIGGIN MINUTES TO GO TO THE NEXT FRIGGIN PAGE. Is that it? But I have all the time in the world until my computer crashes. Than I'm gonna kill the fell who create studywiz. MUAHAHAHAHA. Oh, how did I get into this connection problem? WELL I WAS TRYING TO DOWNLOAD THE FRIGGIN GEOG PODCAST and there I was WITH A BLANK SCREEN. Whoa finally to the main page gotta lag my com again. Let me show you what Hean Ming sent me about eLearning:

E-Learning sucks. Do you agree?
3 Good reasons why E-Learning sucks...
1. A sucky server
-> It takes a damn long time to load a stupid page...
-> Crashes easily
-> Clicks to change answer, answer remains unchanged -.-
2. Can't download their shit
-> Ooooh podcast :O WTF PAGE NOT FOUND?!?!!?
-> An error has occured
-> No file <--- Damn them
3. Stupid MCQ answers and questions
-> Simple 3 yrs old kid could get 100%
-> If you have not noticed... text and mcq qn ans can be found using copy and find

In conclusion,
E-Learning = Suck + waste of time, and since
waste of time = Sucks too,
E-LearningSuck very bad. Wins debate. :)
1 GREAT reason why E-Learning ROCKS...
1. Slack day
-> Spend about 2Hrs+ and you are done In conclusion, you get to slack. Helps other team win the debate.

Xiang Le here:
1 more thing. It is only today when I feel better from my cough. Was coughing so badly on Saturday. Was that it? Saturday? I think so. And I had no time to post on my blog for the past few days so pardon me. Bye?

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