
Quote of the Week

"Live dangerously, love lavishly, serve humbly"- Nick Evans

Friday, March 20, 2009

As a facilitator @ the Science Centre

zzZZZzz...huh? Oh, so tired that after I wrote the title I fell asleep. Just kidding. But really, it's really tiring. Woke up at 6am took a bus, transferred to a train to Jurong East, walk here walk there blah blah blah... to reach the Singapore Science Centre. We were briefed then returned to our groups in the Dalton Hall to wait for the primary school pupils to arrive. LOL the rest of the people in Hean Ming's group haven't arrived so he have to solo everything. HAHAHA. Then there was this lady from IDS who came and talk about the events that are coming up, and a guy called Freddy... something who came and talk about the animation and yes, commercials. After that, we started off with 'icebreaker' games with the primary school kids like pass the message and what, musical ball??? Pass the message there is 1 round where all the teams had to forfeit and wasted all the rest of the gaming time, so quite sian. After the games, we ate lunch and we started the main event, which is the iSpace tour.Took about 2 hours before we headed back to the hall. There was a quiz and a prize-giving ceremony... AND THE PRIZE WAS AN IPOD SHUFFLE. There was this boy who didn't believe me about the iPod as a prize until he saw it with his own eyes. He rushed to do the quiz, VERY QUICKLY. Athough it was very tiring, I want to help facilitate next year again because it is a very interesting 'learning journey', so to speak. At the end of the day, all the pupils did a survey and the facilitators in their group (that's me, for my group) are supposed to collect the survey forms. Here's 3 most common comments:
  1. NIL
  2. Games too lame
  3. Tour not organised

Nothing very good, and I hope next year (if I can go again) we could improve on that.

You know, I feel like putting up a quote box and I can put up provoking quotes every week that I think is interesting. I will try to put a poll box so that I know whether it's a good idea to do that.

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